Structural Design

& Analysis

Structural Design

Detail Drawings of Structural Components

Avenger has extensive experience in designing and generating detail part, part assembly and part installation drawings for the aerospace industry. From original product design to repairs to product improvements of existing designs, Avenger has the experience and know-how to produce quality aerospace technical services that will result in reliable and cost-effective installations and repairs.

Detail Part Drawings

Detail parts can be generated in either 2-dimension format drawings or 3-dimension electronic datasets. These electronic datasets can be tailored to meet the needs of our manufacturing partners to reduce cycle time and costs. There are no portions of the aircraft too small or too large for Avenger’s capability in detail design. This includes primary airframe structure – such as wing or fuselage structure, secondary structure – such as local standoffs or flight control brackets, even aircraft interiors.

Assembly / Installation Drawings

Assembly and installation drawings are generated with the manufacturing process in mind. Installation instructions are thorough and allow for easy quality control. All drawings, whether details or assemblies/installations are capable of obtaining FAA approval to the required certification basis, meaning a consistently sound product that will  stand the test of time.

Detail / Installation Mock-up

With more complicated installations, mock-up and modeling software helps take the guess work out of aircraft fit-up. In some cases, actual prototype parts are generated to allow for fit-checks on the aircraft. Our partnerships with companies that support this technology allow us for rapid turn times on Stereo Lithography parts (typically less than a week). This allows for an absolute confirmation of the tolerances and fit-up for a particular detail part and removes any doubt of the fit into surrounding structure.

Design Platforms

Avenger’s aerospace technical services staff has over 10,000 hours of design experience in the following design platforms:

– Catia V5

– Catia V4

– Unigraphics

– AutoCAD

– SolidWorks

– Pro-E

Structural Analysis

Ultimate Static Strength Analysis

The structural analysis staff at Avenger can perform stress analysis for a wide variety of aircraft structures. In addition, structural DER certification can be provided for compliance with the requirements of FAR Part 23, 25 and 26. The staff is well versed in numerous analytical methods and techniques.

– Classical Static Stress Analysis

– Detailed Stress Analysis by FEM

Structural Loads Analysis

The staff at Avenger can provide aircraft loads for structural due to aerodynamic, inertial, and dynamic applied loads.

– External aerodynamic and inertial loading

– Aircraft internal loads using Avenger Boxbeam Code and MSC/Nastran

– Internal skin and stringer loads with buckling effects through 2D analysis

– Classical Beam load distribution for fuselage and wing structure for FEM validation

Composites Analysis

The members of the Avenger’s structural staff can perform various analyses of composites structures and are well versed in current analytical method.

– Ply-by-Ply analysis of composites using MSC/Nastran & Laminate Codes

– Bonded and bolted-bonded joint analysis using computational methods

– Interlaminar shear

– Failure Index and Margin of Safety

Structural Test Plans

Avenger’s analysts can also provide support in the development and technical review of structural test plans and testing.

– Coupon level:  material properties and allowables

– Component level: constant amplitude and flight by flight loading

– Aircraft level: support full instrumentation and data reduction using nCode software

Commercial Aerospace Technical Services Software Employed

In addition to its own company developed software, Avenger employs numerous industry standard aerospace technical services software packages. The following is a list of some currently in use:

– MSC/Nastran and Patran

– ESRD StressCheck

– UDRI Cracks2k

– nCode and IceFlow Data Reduction